Saturday 30 April 2011

fianl 5 images of exp2

Final hypothesis: The belief of god, which is holy and inviolable, is supported by human spirits, resulting in the grittiness of the belief. So is the science.

overview of whole architecture

ramps connecting two labs and meeting space

Newton's lab

Sigmund Freud's lab

detail of architecture


Relation to the Electroliquid Aggregation hypothesis:
Newton's lab represents god while Freud's lab represents human spirits. The belief of god is supported by human spirits. So Newton's lab is above Freud's. As god is holy and inviolable, the connection between two labs is attached with dark texture while two labs attaching light texture to separate god and human, the two labs. Also the positioning of meeting space (outside the architecture) is because of the sense of inviolableness of god. The design of vertical model, the position of the model( a narrow space between two vertical cliffs) and the winter enviroment consider the grittiness of the belief of god and science. 
Ps. The medium and another dark texture are used on the terrace of Newton's lab to distinguish from and highlight the lab space.

The sketch of the model

Textures use in the model

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